Wednesday, 12 December 2012



Sorry I've posted nothing in ages! I've had exams again.

So, seeing as its 12.12.12, I thought I'd post with it being a special day (sort of).

Well... Recently I've be one obsessed with being skinny, I'm a size 8/10 at the moment however I feel I need to stay skinny.

I've been looking at 'thinspo' (stands for thinspiration) tumblr, Pinterest, google images etc and they really do have some shocking images. Yes, there are lovely pictures of beautiful skinny, tanned girls however there are scarily thin girls which are quite frightening.

I just thought I'd share my two best thinspo findings with you...

These girls look how I want to. Every time I see these pictures and have some inspirational music on like 'bohemian like you' I feel like I can do it, I won't eat, I will do exercise. I will be that skinny. But at this moment I'm sat here eating a smokey bacon crisp sandwich with a diet coke. I keep putting off doing exercise especially as its winter and I feel hungry more nowadays.

However I keep thinking if I was someone else and they saw a picture of me, not sounding big headed, but I'm not exactly fat. And I would say to them 'your crazy look at yourself your so skinny' I think it's just because its me and I look at other people with admiration, well, the nice ones.

Anyone else ever had this?

Thanks for reading!
